I want to teach All the Technology Things…

but since that is not possible at the moment, I might need to start a bit smaller. Certainly this institute has made me appreciate the importance of sound to our understanding of the world.  I think this was something I already knew from previous experience, but sometimes you need people to tell you the things …

My Hero

We’re playing with SoundCite today.  It allows you to embed inline audio files.  No better use than celebrating my favorite flatfoot… Doo-bee-doo-bee-do-bah Doo-bee-doo-bee-do-bah He’s a semi-aquatic egg-laying mammal of act-ion, (Doo-bee-doo-bee-do-bah) He’s a furry little flatfoot who’ll never flinch from a fra-ee-ay-ee-ay. He’s got more than just mad skill, He’s got a beaver tail and bill, …

Building Digital Cred

Practicing image annotation with ThingLink… Although the first day of the seminar was a bit overwhelming, the second day left me feeling more like this: (Image source:  http://armanorman.deviantart.com/art/–336904946)

Red and Yellow Post-It Notes

Today the instructors at the Doing Digital History seminar introduced an elegant solution to one of the perennial problems with group technology instruction–how to monitor student progress.  Students inevitably experience different speeds of mastery and degrees of success when introduced to new technology.  But with both computer screens and the instructor facing the students, it is often quite …

Getting Started

Over the next two weeks, I will be exploring the possibilities of digital history at the NEH-sponsored 2016 Doing Digital History seminar hosted by George Mason University.
